Corporate Structure

Barnwell of Canada, Limited is incorporated in the State of Delaware, having its office in the City of Calgary.

Octavian Oil Ltd. is an Alberta Corporation, having its office in the City of Calgary.

Both Barnwell of Canada, Limited and Octavian Oil Ltd. are wholly owned subsidiaries of Barnwell Industries, Inc., having its office in the City of Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A.
Oil & Gas Assets
Barnwell’s core operated asset is near the Town of Three Hills in the Twining strike area, approximately 125km NE of Calgary. The asset is a Pekisko oil field which is comprised of several operated facilities with vertical and horizontal well development.
Barnwell has an interest in several legacy oil and gas assets in the Province of Alberta.

Twining Pekisko Pool Info:
OOIP: 895 million barrels of oil in place
Cumulative Production: 45 million barrels produced since 1952 discovery.
Recovery Factor: 5 %
Oil Spec: 30 API gravity medium-grade crude.